Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park

The five idyllic islands, Manukan, Mamutik, Sulug, Gaya and Sapi have soft white beaches and are teeming with fish and coral, perfect for beginner divers as well as snorkellers and picnickers. 

Manukan Island


Shaped like a boomerang, Manukan covers 51 acres and is the second largest island in the group. The surrounding crystal clear water is ideal for snorkeling, diving and swimming. Trails around the island provide endless hours of trekking in the cool, shady forest.

Facilities such as chalets, clubhouse, restaurants, souvenir centre, diving centre, a swimming pool, tennis and squash courts are provided to make your stay an enjoyable and fun-filled experience.

Mamutik Island 


The smallest island that covers six hectares. Another peaceful island with a rich coral and marine life. If you are a novice diver, try to get your first diving lessons here and you will discover another world.  

At the north-eastern tip of Pulau Mamutik you can find the rare white distichopora lace coral. If you are not going only for quick diving and want stay overnight, you can get permission from the Sabah Park office in KK to camp there. 

Sulug Island


This 20-acre island, being the least developed and the farthest from the other islands has an almost untouched quality making it ideal for those seeking tranquillity. The shoreline is filled with rock and beautiful patches of reefs at the southern end. Corals such as the Acropora, Echnipora, Montipora and Seriapora are a visual delight as it comes in a variety, delicate shape and brilliant colours.

Facilities such as changing rooms and toilets; picnic shelters and tables are provided for day trippers. There are no accommodation facilities but overnight camping on the island is allowed with prior permission from the Park Warden.

Gaya Island


The island is located about 15 miles off Kota Kinabalu. The 3,665 acre island has 16 miles of shoreline and stretches consisting of fine white sand. Popular beaches include Bulijong Bay and Police beach that comes with a quarter mile of beautiful sand sloping, perfect for swimming, snorkeling and diving. 

The untouched coastal dipterocarp forest makes it ideal for trekking and graded nature trails. It also provides opportunities to study the various species of plant and animal life within. Facilities include public shelters, changing rooms and public toilets.

Sapi Island


This island has a distinct advantage of having some of the nicest beaches with white sand, sparkling crystal clear water and a coastline fringed with beautiful coral reefs. It is the ideal place for snorkeling, diving and swimming. 

If you can do neither of this but do not want to be left out from discovering underwater treasures, take a glass boat rental service instead. Hiking trails through the interior provide an excellent opportunity for nature appreciation. There are no accommodation facilities but picnic shelters, barbeque pits, tables, changing rooms and toilets are provided for day use. Camping is allowed with the permission of the Park Warden.

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